**Talk Normal -Eureka- Secret Cog 12-inch EP Just for the Hell of It Records (NEW)
I’ll call this one a sneaker – this band came and played in Sacramento recently but I wasn’t able to catch the show. When I finally gave the record a spin I was suddenly both pleased & disappointed – pleased by the sounds, disappointed that I had missed the chance to see the performance in the flesh. Catch them if you can.
**Partly Cloudy -Sunlight- Excess Verbiage LP Forecast Records (1987)
I stumbled upon this record a while back when out of nowhere someone called in and requested it. I have to say [sadly] that most requests that come in are from either drunks or hippies and they almost always request Jungle or Techno music…..which is fine, don’t mean to bag on folks who like that sort of music. It’s just not my bag of beans. Well this request came in [specifically for a different track on the record] and I was so thrilled when I heard the tune. Since then I have gone back to this record a few times to sample different tracks off of it. RAD! Thanks to the fellow that turned me on to this….I am in dept to you.
**Ex -Make That Call- & -The Buzzword Medley- Joggers & Smoggers 2xLP Ex Records (1989)Not exactly what you would expect from a punk band….weird, arty, dynamic…I like this album much. Mostly cause it’s not just the same song over & over…..
**Flux of Pink Indians -Tube Disaster- New Smell 12-inch EP One Little Indian Records (1987)Man – what can I say about an anarcho-punk band that makes a 12-inch EP? Well, one thing – the record actually sounds good. My two favorite things about this song [1] the guitar sound & [2] the singers uber cockney accent [That is cockney right? Just guessing…].
**Venom P. Stinger -PCP Crazy- & -Jaws- Meet My Friend Venom LP No Master’s Voice Records (1986)I like the changes in tempo and also the weird spassy ‘Jaws’ portion…what the hell is going on there? Is the guy gargling, cause it sure sounds like it.
**Meathoooks -Cerebral Demolition Units- Cambodia Soul Music LP Disastro Mix Records (1991)

This is seriously in my top 15 of rough, harsh, bad-ass, bass groove wonderment records. Someone once asked me “What would be on your pump up mix?” – This & only this. Um, well….maybe some Chrome too…
**Terminal Cheesecake -Pony Boy- Angels in Pigtails LP Pathological Records (1990)Continuing on with some more excellent bass grooves….I think this record falls into the ‘pigfucker’ music category, I think.
**Neu -Negativeland- S/T LP Billingsgate Records (1973)Classic. Namesake of the beloved Contra Costa County outfit.
**Eternal Tapestry -The Hidden Void- Palace of the Night Skies LP Three Lobed Records (NEW)I was lucky to catch this band’s set the next night in SF. Really awesome stuff. This specific record features their more typical long psych jams. Though live, they have moved more towards playing their shorter, punchier tracks - I dig.
Listen HeRe
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