**Rema Rema -Feedback Song- Wheel in the Roses 12-inch EP 4AD Records (1980)

One of 4AD’s earliest releases – a lot rougher sounding than what 4AD put out in the later ‘80s. Great weirdpunk EP. Starts off with a crawling, relentless guitar solo that continues to loop throughout the entire track; coupled by a rumbling cloud of noisy squawks that builds up till the song ends in a mess of it. Then there are the vocals – very British, very good. One of the few records that I would actually pay good money to get my hands on. **Throbbing Gristle -Convincing People- 20 Jazz Funk Greats LP Industrial Records (1979)
Nice track off the classic album 20 Jazz Funk Greats. Features a relentless looped beat.
**Bene Gesserit -You Can Dance It- Driving Me Backwards 2xLP Compilation Dead Man’s Curve Records (1987)
Found this track by chance on this DMC Compilation. I was surprised to see it – for some reason I always align this label with hardcore, but its actually quite diverse in its offerings. Bene Gesserit is a band from Belgium that had some records come out during the mid to late ‘80s. I would call it minimal electronics – though others would possibly label it as industrial, experimental, syth-pop, etc. Their favorite album of mine is ‘Fashion is a Dirty Word.’ Recently they had a track on Minimal Wave’s ‘Lost Tapes’ Compilation.
**The Psyclones -Rockin’ the Cong- S/T LP Subterranean/Ladd-Frith Records (1985)
Great minimal industrial record by this Northern California band.
**Low Red Center -Crepe Suzette- S/T 10-inch S-S Records (New)
This song is definitely a throw back to the ‘80s. I would expect this to be some release by a Belguim group, circa 1984. Nice!
**Honeymoon Killers -Ariane, A Deep Space Romance- Subtitled Remix 12-inch EP Crammed Discos (1983)
One of my absolute favorite songs from the Belgium Honeymoon Killers. It’s a bit corky and theatrical, but I seriously can’t listen to this track enough. Maybe it’s the space theme?
**Palais Schaumburg -Wir Bauen Eine Neue Stadt- Deutschland LP Compilation Das Buro Records (1982)
I love the horns in this piece. Well composed.
**Titmachine -We Build A New City- We Build A New City 7-inch Siltbreeze Records (2008) Cover of the previous song by an all lady group from the Netherlands. They put more of a NoWave spin on the track – very awesome!
**Trio -Anna- S/T Mini LP Mercury Records (1982)
Classic from the DA DA DA band….
**The Oh Sees -Coma- Split 7-inch w/ Paul Gary Stackhouse Records (2009)
Cover of a Trio song. What more can I say…
**Krysmopompas -Volker- 7-inch Avant! Records (2009)
Gets the Best Use of the Casio SK1 ‘Voice’ Sample Award.

Rad parody of the Stone’s ‘Under My Thumb.’ I wish this record would get reissued!
**Fredrik Nilsen -Elbow and Marcella- Blub Krad LP Compilation LAFMS Release (1978)
Continuation of the LAFMS release – interesting experimental track.
**Children’s Hospital -Left Handed- Alone Together LP Sacred Bones Records (2008)
Nice minimal track by this Seattle, A-Frames related outfit.
Listen HeRe
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