**Mighty ‘Em -Jekyll and Hyde- Killed By Glam LP Compilation Moon Boot Records
This track was originally released as a single back in 1973 on Decca; This compilation features ‘70s glam favorites and rarities, in the Killed by Death fashion (that is, the sound quality ain’t the greatest). Radio Heartbeat & Bomp still have copies of this compilation available. For obvious reasons, no label site is available (at least as far as I can tell).
**MX-80 Sound -Lady in Pain- Subterranean Modern LP Compilation Ralph Records (1979)
One of my favorite Ralph compilations, featuring the typical Ralph comp line up (Tuxedoomoon, Chrome, Residents, and of course MX-80 Sound) – I find each band’s interpretation of ‘I left my Heart in SF’ to be very entertaining. More general sorts of information regarding this compilation can be found at discogs.
**Debris’ -Flight Taken- Static Disposal LP Anopheles Records (2002)
Rad proto-punk coming out of Oklahoma, circa 1976. For more information on this reissue, check out the Anopheles site.
**The Ratz -Mental Block- 7-inch Single Rodentunes Music (1981)

Band formed in Nashville, TN in 1979. Pretty hard hitting track that I can’t get enough of. In searching, I was very happy to find that The Ratz have a myspace page – check it out for band bio, etc.
**Nothing People -Exploded View- Soft Crash LP S-S Records (2010)
This track seems to captures a guitar sound similar to that of early Chrome. More information on this band/release can be found at the Nothing People myspace page & S-S Records.
**Chrome -Heartbeat- 3rd From the Sun LP Siren Records (1982)
Mind warper from this legendary SF band; for more information: History & Discography.
**Tuxedomoon -Everything You Want- Subterranean Modern LP Compilation Ralph Records (1979)
**Brunst -Bona- Rrroster Cassette (1985)

This cassette features weird analog instrumentals by Magnum Axelsson (member of the Swedish project, Njurmännen). More information can be found at Mutant Sounds or at discogs.
**Minimal Compact -Nada- Deadly Weapons LP Crammed Discs Records (1984)
Minimal Compact was an Israeli group that produced albums throughout the 1980s, with Deadly Weapons considered its most ‘experimental’ of albums. Their history & discography can be found here.
**Short Wave Mystery -Takin’ Chances- Demos
I came across these demo tracks by California’s own Short Wave Mystery via a link featured on a Viable Commercial blog post. More tracks are still available to stream at Reverb Nation.
**Mind/Body/Split -Mr. Men- It Its Not On Its Not On LP Split Records (1989)
I can find very little information regarding this record – I know it involved Australian artists such as Rik Rue and Jim Denley. Very bizarre experimental tunes – highly suggested!
**Minimal Man -Jungle Song- The Shroud of LP Suberranean Records (1981)
Odd SF group – music runs along the lines of Tuxedomoon and other such dark industrial bands of that time and space. More information can be found here.
**Brunst -Livsandarna- Rrroster Cassette (1985)
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