Aired November 12th, 10-11PM. **Rema Rema -Feedback Song- Wheel in the Roses 12-inch EP 4AD Records (1980)
One of 4AD’s earliest releases – a lot rougher sounding than what 4AD put out in the later ‘80s. Great weirdpunk EP. Starts off with a crawling, relentless guitar solo that continues to loop throughout the entire track; coupled by a rumbling cloud of noisy squawks that builds up till the song ends in a mess of it. Then there are the vocals – very British, very good. One of the few records that I would actually pay good money to get my hands on. **Throbbing Gristle -Convincing People- 20 Jazz Funk Greats LP Industrial Records (1979)
Nice track off the classic album 20 Jazz Funk Greats. Features a relentless looped beat.
**Bene Gesserit -You Can Dance It- Driving Me Backwards 2xLP Compilation Dead Man’s Curve Records (1987)
Found this track by chance on this DMC Compilation. I was surprised to see it – for some reason I always align this label with hardcore, but its actually quite diverse in its offerings. Bene Gesserit is a band from Belgium that had some records come out during the mid to late ‘80s. I would call it minimal electronics – though others would possibly label it as industrial, experimental, syth-pop, etc. Their favorite album of mine is ‘Fashion is a Dirty Word.’ Recently they had a track on Minimal Wave’s ‘Lost Tapes’ Compilation.
**The Psyclones -Rockin’ the Cong- S/T LP Subterranean/Ladd-Frith Records (1985)
Great minimal industrial record by this Northern California band.
**Low Red Center -Crepe Suzette- S/T 10-inch S-S Records (New)
This song is definitely a throw back to the ‘80s. I would expect this to be some release by a Belguim group, circa 1984. Nice!
**Honeymoon Killers -Ariane, A Deep Space Romance- Subtitled Remix 12-inch EP Crammed Discos (1983)
One of my absolute favorite songs from the Belgium Honeymoon Killers. It’s a bit corky and theatrical, but I seriously can’t listen to this track enough. Maybe it’s the space theme?
**Palais Schaumburg -Wir Bauen Eine Neue Stadt- Deutschland LP Compilation Das Buro Records (1982)
I love the horns in this piece. Well composed.
**Titmachine -We Build A New City- We Build A New City 7-inch Siltbreeze Records (2008) Cover of the previous song by an all lady group from the Netherlands. They put more of a NoWave spin on the track – very awesome!
**Trio -Anna- S/T Mini LP Mercury Records (1982)
Classic from the DA DA DA band….
**The Oh Sees -Coma- Split 7-inch w/ Paul Gary Stackhouse Records (2009)
Cover of a Trio song. What more can I say…
**Krysmopompas -Volker- 7-inch Avant! Records (2009)
Gets the Best Use of the Casio SK1 ‘Voice’ Sample Award.
**The Pablums -Under My Gums- Blub Krad LP Compilation LAFMS Release (1978)
Rad parody of the Stone’s ‘Under My Thumb.’ I wish this record would get reissued!
**Fredrik Nilsen -Elbow and Marcella- Blub Krad LP Compilation LAFMS Release (1978)
Continuation of the LAFMS release – interesting experimental track. **Children’s Hospital -Left Handed- Alone Together LP Sacred Bones Records (2008)
Nice minimal track by this Seattle, A-Frames related outfit.
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Aired November 5th, 10-11PM
**Ganglians -Blood on the Sand- 7-inch Single Captured Tracks Records (2009)
New little diddy by this Sacramento favorite.
**Nothing People -Omega Man- Anonymous LP S-S Records (2008)
I think that Nothing People is definitely one of the best bands around today. This number is from their first full length release and since then they have had another, equally awesome full length on S-S records which came out earlier this year.
**Michael Stasis -Come with Me- & -Bugle Boy- S/T Cassette #1 Self-Released (2009)
My favorite of the two of these is the later – short and misleadingly sweet till you get to the chorus. Can’t wait for some label to start courting Mr. Stasis – hope to see some of this stuff on vinyl at some point. Mainly because I’ve played the cassette so much that it is starting to wear out.
**17 Pygmies -Nocturne- Jedda By the Sea LP Resistance Records (1984)
Interesting instrumental track from this Savage Republic spin off group.
**Bridget St. John -Song to Keep You Company- John Peel Presents Top Gear LP Compilation BBC (1969)
Apparently Ms. St. John is popular with the indie folk – at least that is was a little birdie told me. This compilation is the first time I’ve heard her - very satisfyingly pretty, well crafted folk songs. I like.
**Oolanbator -Fire in the Dead of Night- 1382 Persian New Waves LP Compilation Tiam An Men 89 (2004) 
This track is a classic for me. Unfortunately nothing else to my knowledge has come out by this Iranian artist. There was a while back when a former KDVS DJ sought after Mr. Oolanbator, interested in releasing more material by him. Oolanbator mysteriously disappeared though – there were rumors amongst some that maybe he was ‘disappeared’ – though I can’t say for certain what came of him. Maybe one day he will reappear long enough to release a few more songs at least.
**Arthur Brown -Fanfare Fire Poem- & -Fire- The Crazy World of Arthur Brown LP Track Records (1968)
If you didn’t notice, the previous song ‘Fire in the Dead of Night’ features a sample from this Arthur Brown song. Awesome, classic Arthur Brown. If you haven’t already, I would suggest checking out some of his videos on Youtube if you get the time.
**Barbed Wire -Dies irae tuse 80- Jean-Pierre Massiera Psychoses Discord LP Compilation Mucho Gusto (2007; Orig. 1976-1981)
Weird glammy, disco-y, rockin’ track. The vocals are a bit strange at times, but in a good way.
**Sweet Marriage -Mort- John Peel Presents Top Gear LP Compilation BBC (1969)
Rad bit of prog madness.
**Brainticket -Era of Technology- Celestial Ocean LP FanClub Release (2008 Reissue)
Classic kraut – just got this record and I dig it much.
**The Starlights -Mao Mao- Jean-Pierre Massiera Psychoses Discord LP Compilation Mucho Gusto (2007; Orig. 1976-1981)
A bit more of a typical track from this disco-y compilation, more so than the Barbed Wire. Its got a little funky flare that I like a lot.
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Came down with a nasty cold the night of the 29th – luckily DJ Rick of Art For Spastics was able to cover my slot. Below is what he threw down.
Aired October 29th, 10-11PM
**Girls at Dawn -Never Enough- Never Enough 7-inch HoZac Records (NEW)
**The Sandwitches -Thank You for Listening- How to Make Ambient Sadcake LP Turn Up Records (NEW)
**Avocados -I Never Knew- Messthetics #107 CD Compilation Hyped 2 Death Records (NEW; Orig. 1981)
**Occult Chemistry -Occult Chemistry- Messthetics #107 CD Compilation Hyped 2 Death Records (NEW; Orig. 1980)
**??? -A2- Mystery Cassette (NEW)
**Tyvek -Stand & Fight- S/T LP Siltbreeze Records (2009)
**Repressive Proteins -A1- Demo Cassette (NEW)
**Pygmy Shrews -Kill Yourself- Lord Got Busted 7-inch Fan Death Records (NEW)
**Pigeon Religion -Huge Bummer- Dead Boss 7-inch Gilgongo Records (NEW)
**Hot Guts -Abandon at Leisure- S/T 7-inch Suicide Tax/Badmaster Records (NEW)
**Realicide -Army Beta Test- Split 7-inch w/ Capital Hemorrhage Realicide Youth/Outfall Channel Records (NEW)
**James Fella -Luxurious Social Services- Four Sounds for Some People CDR Gilgongo Records (NEW)
**Inca Ore -Boogie Wiggles- Silver Sea Surfer School LP Not Not Fun (NEW)
**Wire -Vivid Riot of Red- Ahead 12-inch EP Enigma Records (1987)
**Roy Montgomery -Ill at Home- And Now the Rain Sounds Like Life Is Album Drunken Fish Records (1998)
**Puffy Areolas -Bowel Movement (It’s All About)- Lutzko Lives 7-inch Columbus Discount (NEW)
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Back from a bit of an absence. Below is where I left off. Will be playing catch-up the next few days….
Aired October 22nd, 10-11PM.
**Mayfair Set -Three for Me- Young One 12-inch EP Captured Tracks/Woodsist Records (2009)
Nice new EP by Mayfair Set. Dig the tracks, though I still like that very first single the best. The last song on side A is pretty much just a Blank Dogs song, though a decent one. Only two things bug me about this record: [1] the record arrived a little bit warped; with that said, this issue has arisen with a few other copies and Captured Tracks has offered to replace any bunk copies – I’m just too lazy to get it replaced & my copy isn’t unlistenable or anything like that, and [2] it’s a 12-inch EP instead of a full length album. The fad of 12-inch EPs is getting to me a little. What is this, 1984 - Just kidding! Eh, if the label is that into it and has the $$, why not….
**Dynasty -Animal- S/T Album Tigerbeat 6 Records (2003)Long gone Bay-Area all lady three piece – saw them play once at a Davis co-op…it was pretty awesome. It was the bands last show ever, and the singer dressed up like she had a bun in the oven. Said the drummer knocked-her up and that’s the reason the band was breaking up. At the time a lot of KDVS DJs were all into ‘Amy’s Song’ which is good, but deep down inside I like this one a bit better. It makes me think of unsprayed/unneutered cats having crazy sex all that time. Is that weird?
**Crack: We Are Rock -The Sabbath- Silent Fantasy 12-inch EP Kimosciotic Records (2003)
Another defunct Bay-Area group. I think this band had the lady from Death Sentence: Panda in it and also that lady from Le Flange Du Mal – though that was rumor I heard…can’t confirm for certain at this time.
**Gary War -For Cobra- Horribles Parade/Galactic Citizens Albums Sacred Bones Records (New)More electronic weirdness from Mr. War. Album is a sweet deal considering that this CD version of Horribles Parade also contains another whole Gary War album released sometime early this or last year.
**D.O.M.E.S. –It’s Too Bad, Mother Dear- Found Objects LP Compilation Atmosphear Records (1985)This track features very strange subject matter & feme Operatic vocals – would be good to spin alongside some Klaus Nomi.
**Severed Heads -Dressed in Air- & -Rabbi Nardoo Flagoon- Bad Mood Guy LP Nettwerk Records (1987)
Oh, how I do adore Severed Heads. These two tracks are my favorites of the Bad Mood Guy LP.
**Gum -Sporadic Acts of Violence- Vinyl LP Self-Released (1987)Weird record I came across a few years back. Reminiscent of early Severed Heads, harnessing the power of tape loops.
**Konstruktivists -Francis Bacon- A Dissembly LP Flowmotion Records (1982)Great instrumental early industrial/experimental album. This band went on to put out some more stuff, but unfortunately I have never had the chance to check it out. This album is definitely a keeper though.
**Krysmopompas -Gesa- 7-inch Single Avant! Records (2009) Fairly new record by this German band (I think). I like this song better than most of the other tracks I’ve heard from this band...I think its cause it reminds me of something that would have been on an early AtaTak Compilation.
**Movie Star Junkies -Whistling- Junkyears; Rarities & Farm Recordings LP Avant! Records (2009; Recorded 2005-2007)Also new from Avant!. Don’t know much about this band, but the record is pretty good.
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